wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


I just realized I haven't taken a photo in a while. I have a few on my phone but I think it's time to take some more.

Well the weather here is gross. It's snowing and sleeting and the sound of the snow plow is irritating! I guess I am lucky, my friend Paula in Canada is getting as we say "hammered" with the white stuff!

The weather here peoplewise is bad. We are cut right in two in the US of A. and I am feeling the mood big time.
The part that I have to remember is that the measure of someone character is how they act under pressure.
So I ask myself,:
am I hateful? Nope. I am angry but not mean.
Am I gloating? Nope but not happy.

I check in on my spirit and it is feeling the tug to the dark side. You know the side of righteousness. The side that justifies superiority over others because of feeling one's belief system is, well, superior.

I have to watch that. It's not that I think my beliefs are more right, it's that I believe them to be kinder, safer and less acidic. Unfortunately the way I feel compelled lately to express that is through an angry response. I want to stomp my feet and scream as I am falling into a vortex of unreality BUT,
I am afraid of anger. It prompts stupid behavior. It prompts things to be said you can never take back. It breaks up families and ruins friendships.
I read a quote today that said. Never let emotion determine your manner of response. ( Ok the book was about fighting dragons but, the guy won.)

So I am sitting back for a while. It's time to ignore social media and the fake news and the alternate facts, and take a deep breathe.
Only positive funny things on my Facebook and every dark comment will be met with light.
Oh and kisses. I am going to carry chocolate kisses. They are relatively germ free and I don't have to touch people. (I'm not a big fan of the personal space intrusion , unless I know you well). Well I will carry them when the weather clears up and I can get to the store.
Until then I will be back with more pictures soon!

Happy wake up downunder and goodnight to the north!!!!

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