wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Father's Day reality

So after starting the day with a melt down............we went to breakfast at Stones. I felt like Dad was there with me.
For the last ten years of his life and the last five of my moms life, we went to breakfast at least one day a weekend. Granted I missed some weekends but at least 40 out of 52 I spent with them.
There were times that they drove me crazy, times they made me laugh or we argued but I always loved them. I never was ashamed of my parents. I was always proud of them. Nor did I blame them for my faults.

We were not raised wealthy. We were raised by two not perfect people who did the best with what they had. Seriously it's that simple.
I no longer want to hear bad things about my parents. It's time to move on. At 60 years old, We can't blame them anymore. If I am an a-hole, it's my fault not theirs.

As siblings, I feel we are no longer related. The ties were not strong enough..............despite exhausted attempts to make it right.
In time fractures will heal for some. For others............the price would be too high. It's ok really. I never wanted to be that definition of perfect. You see, I love unconditionally.
The parents of my later years taught me that. I gave them that chance.
Your loss
No more tears.

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