wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

The strangest gig EVER

Saturday my band did a gig for charity.
I can not make this up.
There is a Catholic Church that has a bazaar every year. We went back this year.
I have made worse decisions. I just can't remember when.
We'll just recap a few highlights.......
To start with,
It was a small stage. That's ok we can deal with a small stage. It was quaint and hey when your audience consists of couple of beds, mattresses, and various other pieces of furniture in front of you..... space is the least of your problems.
The sky was gray all day. Hence the filter on the picture..
After the first song, we were stopped by a person yelling at us to let her friend sing with us
"He does karioke down at the VFW and he would have knocked the hell out of that last song"
Seriously I don't mean to be judge mental and God love her but the whole time she was yelling at me, the only thing I could see was her one tooth. She only had one and as polite as I was raised to be, I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was mesmerizing. Someone came over and led her away.....her friend did not sing with us.
THEN, this old man ( now I could be polite and say older gentleman but, no he was an old man) with a red and blue plastic trumpet stopped in front of us, put it to his lips, and blew.
People this was not a good sound.
We lost it.

We had a young woman that we were kind of happy sat down close and listened to us........and proceeded to get upset and yell at us. There were swears involved.
Oh yeah this was a tough crowd.
So when we walked away two hours later.....it still did not seem real.
The summer is young, I suspect there will be more stories!
Oh yes I'll share......
Goodnight to the north and G'day downunder!

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