Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Woman on the edge of nervous breakdown

Great day for the afternoon movies, so we trotted off to Anna Karenina. The skies were black as I walked through the Links, but nice bits of sun on autumny trees and daft dogs charging about. Just as well I'd brought the big umbrella. We walked over the canal, but the weather wasn't conducive to stopping and taking photos. It was dreich.

We were too early for the movie - an anyway, I like to avoid the twenty minutes of trailers of films I do not want to see, but we spied a new pub across the road and went to investigate. It was very very nice. I do believe it used to be an old dive of a place (apologies if it was any blipper's favourite local) but they've done it up nicely and the menu looks good. I had to sample a wee side dish of chips to go with my half pint. And they were the best ever! The usual Whitney Houston wannabes screeching and warbling in the background, pity.

The film was very very long. Lovely costumes. Keira Knightley is gorgeous, but I can't help thinking that you could cut a clip from any of her films and insert it any other film and nobody would notice. She's perfected the wild eyed woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

When we came out, the bad weather had passed and it was a lovely evening, so we went back by the canal and I took a few photos. the first boat is a wee cafe - I had a coffee there the other day. There was a fantastic purple boat further down, and the canal ends just past that. There are murals and paintings all along the wall. I will blip the green boat another time. The cyclist completed the shot.

Back home to a delicious coffee. The coffee machine came a couple of days ago and I'm addicted to it. Fantastic coffees at the press of a button. I must say, it's a MUCH better buy than a new kitchen!!

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