wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Just under the wire

I am serious about doing this again so I did the "blip thing" (you all know you have done it) and ran outside in the fading light for a blip.
Yesterday I took an old rose bush and wrapped it around a ladder that belonged to my mother's father. My grandfather.
He wasn't as close to me as he was to my older sister. I was closer to my dad's father.
Anyway there be aphids on these roses but I hate to use anything gross at this point, it will ruin the blooms.

So I had an experience at the grocery store today. My husband asks why these things always happen to me. I said because Blip
land needs the entertainment.
I was looking for rolls when I heard a beeping and motor revving up. I looked and this women had a huge pair of crutches in the basket of one of those riding grocery carts. I am willing to bet she had never driven one because she kept diving and stopping really jerky like. Like when a standard car stalls out and jerks. She turned that thing around and took out a whole bakery display. What a crash. There were baked goods on the floor big time
I turned away so I wouldn't laugh. She hightailed it out of there. A manager came out and picked up the smashed goodies.
Today was a long day. I needed a laugh.
I really need to sleep.. it's 11 and I have to get up at 4. So g'day downunder. And sweet dreams to the north!
Until tomorrow.........
My other picture is the full ladder.

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