Another little drummer boy...?

First of October! Yikes. All Ben's invites are out, the mystery child's name from preschool was discovered, and his mum was the first to reply too! Think I may have made another new friend :) Maybe I'm finally growing up and learning how to be sociable?!

Ben has learnt a new trick. Steve owned up that it may have been his fault. He climbed into his wardrobe this morning. Dragged his stool over so he could get up to the shelf to climb onto. Used a coathanger to shut the doors behind him and then systematically removed all the coathangers and their clothes and posted them through the wardrobe doors cracked open a tiny bit.

Charley picked up the hangers and started drumming with them - it was this that alerted me. I wondered what the "tinkle tinkle" noise was and wondered where Ben was, until hangers started appearing from between the doors...

What am I going to do with him. Very inventive though, using a hanger to pull the door shut!

Preschool for Ben this afternoon, grocery shopping for me, and colour profile adjusting on the Macbook for Steve so I stand more chance of getting my artwork printed how I expect it!

Massive stress this evening though. Steve went treasure hunting in the attic and forgot to go pick Ben up - thankfully I got home just after school was finished and was able to collect him before they started charging extra! Then it took a long time to make dinner, during which time Ben turned into a stroppy unlistening threenager and Charley turned into a starving shrieking monster placated only by cheese.

Dinner was gorgeous though. I love Steve's stir fried rice. Charley enjoyed it too until it all got a bit much. He broke down and cried all the way through clean up, nappy change, pyjamas and all the way upstairs although by then it was an exhausted siren cry rather than crying-crying and almost as soon as his head hit the boob he was asleep.

Ben on the other hand, once he'd been calmed down from another tired tantrummy meltdown, managed to get Steve trapped into some "weird kind of role-play with Tigger, Wenlock and Mandeville" until Tigger boinged a little too hard on Steve's manhood. He told Ben while they were getting teeth cleaned that Ben may not get any more brothers and sisters if that kind of thing keeps happening.

"I want two Charleys, and a Daddy." replied Ben.

No sisters?

"I want... two Charleys and three sisters. ..... I want seven sisters!"

Uh. Better get praying then, Ben - not sure I'm entirely up for that!!!

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