
Dad's birthday today - happy birthday dad!

We got up late this morning. Unsurprisingly the boys (and I) weren't keen on getting out of bed after last night's late night but in the end hunger won out over not wanting to get up. Hate when that happens!

Ben surprised me this morning at our Wednesday toddler group. He voluntarily went and sat down and did some colouring. I think peer pressure may have had something to do with it as Rosie also went to do some colouring but this is a boy who does not have the patience for colouring in! I think that's why he loves the big painting that we do - instant gratification of seeing a big piece of paper coloured very quickly, and then off to do something else.

Since we started going to this group two years ago he has changed so much. I thought he'd never join in, he was so shy and reserved when we started, but today he was answering questions in circle time and joining in singing too! Which reminds me - when he came down to breakfast he said "mama," and then SANG "don't stop me now, I'm having a good time..." !!! Haha that made me laugh, apparently Casper sings that to himself a lot!

In other news, my office nest is now more organised. I have actual shelves - we can dismantle the changing table which has been my box storage for months! I can access the printer again too which is nice. My second monitor is nicely colour callibrated (by eye, so it won't be "perfect", but I think visuals are as subjective as audio...) and I can actually move my chair back without it catching on stuff on the floor. I don't quite know where all my rolled up paintings have got to but I'll find them again. I do think it's rather fabulous that I have almost a whole shelf just for notebooks and sketchbooks and scrapbooks! There are still many many piles of papers that need attending to, but, y'know, one thing at a time...

But I've finally got all my current artwork colour corrected and adjusted, and orders placed for various bits of printing. Not all of it will be available at the tots stall next Tuesday but hopefully enough of it will be to get interest and hopefully make a sale or two, I could do with a bit of cashflow inwards again!

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