Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

First Attempt at making....

Irish Soda Bread!

I have to try to eat food without yeast for a while to try to control my pre-cancer condition, so I've been buying Irish Soda Bread.

As I come from a family of breadmakers including my Grandmother and my Father, I have always enjoyed making normal bread (without a bread maker I hasten to add) :)

So yesterday I intended to do this, but time just ran out!

Oh yes, this blip includes more pink~the silky scarf I've used as a background and the measuring spoons were part of my birthday present (which included a kindle) bought by a group of friends for a very special birthday last October :):)

I have made this year, the year of pink. I am not a very girly, girl and don't generally have a lot of pink in my life because I don't consider I'm pretty enough. But now my kitchen is repainted in white and 'sexy' pink (only on one wall), courtesy of a good friend (and Dulux) and I have several accessories in pink, or purply pink (plates for example).

Today's chores after work got a little behind because I am still exhausted after Thursday's course and very long day.... I fell asleep on the sofa after lunch at home...

Anyway I've managed to clean the whole kitchen out thoroughly and then make the bread :) Its a good feeling :)

I don't find it easy to wash the floor because I can't get on my knees and get distracted by how bad it is even after mopping... however it looks quite good today. But t why oh why did I wash the floor first, then make the bread~I then had to sweep the floor again!!!

Now I'm just waiting for a quick pizza to cook and watching Strictly then Merlin :)

Does anyone know if I can freeze this, and if not what to store it in~plastic bag/box/fridge??

Tomorrow...more work...

Have a great weekend blippers!

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