Kowhai in Rain

It has rained ALL day, sometimes lightly and sometimes heavily, but ALL day.

Big trip to Nelson today with Sebastian and Kiwilizzie. Had to do a bit of car swapping around (left one of my cars in Nelson for my nephew to borrow) and then Liz and I were booked in at my hairdressers.

We left Sebastian with his Great Aunty Leigh for the afternoon while we headed off to be transformed. Well, sort of. I had the usual colour and trim, but Liz got all brave and has come away a new woman - see her blip for more.

We got back to my sister's house to find that whilst supposedly entertaining the child, she let him go to sleep and he slept the whole time I was away. I feel robbed - he doesn't do a day time sleep for me! Humph!

Anyway, by the time we got home the only photos I'd taken were of Liz at the hairdressers and as they are her blip I had to get creative. It was just turning dark but Sebastian and I went on a blip hunt anyway, and this is what we found over the neighbour's fence.

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