Morning Tea

After a very late night last night for a little boy who didn't want to sleep, I had hopes of a sleep-in - til at least 8. Hah! Silly me.

A wee body arrived in my bed at 6 a.m. to insist that the night was apparently over. By 8.30 he was getting scratchy and I had to post a letter anyway so we set off, in the rain, the long way to the post box. Sadly the 4km on his balance bike did nothing to tire him out, but it sure tired me out!

Well, by then we were saturated anyway so I figured that we might as well go out to the Red Barn and see the animals again so I texted Kiwilizzie who met us out there for her breakfast. By this time I figured Sebastian had earned a plate of chips followed by an icecream. As you can see, there were very few other people out and about at 10.30 am on a soaking wet day.

We visited the animals after eating - what was a bit more water and mud after all? And another change of clothes would only help fill the washing machine.

Home, showered again to warm up, dressed in the third change for the day, washing done, many matchbox cars driven around the coffee table, lunch eaten, pictures drawn (on paper and his legs - thank goodness for washable markers), books read. I'm dead on my feet and he's getting his second wind. And it's only 2.30 pm!

Anyone want to visit me and entertain him while I sleep?

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