Third time lucky

Not long after getting up today the sky clouded over and as rain was forecast for the afternoon I went out onto my courtyard to take a few photos so I would have a backup blip in case I wouldn't be able to find anything at the park later. During my walk with one of the dogs from the sanctuary I spotted a Heron at the small pond and took a few shots but unfortunately the light was so poor that I had to delete all of them except one and even that one isn't worth blipping.

This is the only flower that is on the Scabiosa on my courtyard at the moment. I had already thought I would have to use it for my entry twice before but both times I found something else. Today is its third time lucky though because once the rain had started, it didn't stop until well after I was home again and I didn't have anything else to blip.

This morning Rosie had her penultimate doses of antibiotics and painkiller. She seems to have her usual energy back and has to be kept a close eye on so she won't do anything she shouldn't yet.

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