Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Lemons Fallen

I took a few pics of the kids today that I really like. They can be found here, but I've decided after much thinking, and mrs tsuken's encouragement/suggestion/questioning, to go with this photo that I took deliberately with the idea of blipping - as it really is something quite different for me.

And here it is large.

And I think the skies will be cloudy tonight, so no point in waiting for the Milky Way. ;-)

In kid news, I sat down with Miss 6 to read her library books. She began with The Cat in the Hat, but abandoned it about 2/3 in, in favour of my Star Wars "The Complete Saga" Omnibus (as can be seen at the link above). xP Not only that, but she was searching through for one of the parts from The Empire Strikes Back that scared and distressed her when she watched it yesterday - I had been dubious about them watching it, but she was adamant. The funny thing was that Mstr 5 wasn't at all distressed, and he's the one who often gets upset by movies. Ah well, I've given up trying to understand my children - but I think I shall enforce my "Episode I only" edict for them. ... BRB...

... Aaaaaaaand I thought she was playing Lego Star Wars down the back, but noooooooo: she's been watching Episode III (Revenge of the Sith) on the sly while her mother and I have been out the front. Thankfully she hadn't got to any of the stuff that she'd find confusing and distressing. So. Star Wars DVDs repatriated to my cabinet. xP

Ran this morning. Just a short one, and it ended up even shorter than I had thought it would - in time, not distance. A good thing I suppose; I pushed myself reasonably hard, and ended up maintaining not too bad a pace. Also, I stopped for about half a minute at one stage, to stretch my calf a little, and when I got home and reviewed the data from Runmeter, I was pleased to see that my heart rate dropped really quickly. I must be getting fit or something. ;-)

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