Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Cold but Sunny! is so chilly today! More bare branches on the trees thanks to the strong winds....

I was awake again at 4am, really suffering with stupid sinuses which is a nuisance. So up I got and remade my hottie (its definately that time of year).

In the end I got up properly a whole hour later than planned. Thanks also to the fact that yesterday I twisted my bad knee awkwardly and am in quite a bit of pain today which I could do without.

Beef goulash prepared and in the slow cooker nice and early :) Just hoping the potatoes are not too mushy, I hate them like that!

Went to fill up with petrol at Sainsburys where I usually go, only they didn't have many pumps open (the tanker was delivering). There I was sat in the queue, minding my own business and patiently waiting. Then, not one, not two but three cars squashed in in front of me~what is the world coming to! It really annoys me when people do that, I was in the queue first... Actually it felt like bumper cars (which it wasn't) but was just sooo irritating (surely a queue is not invisible)!
(Rant over)!

Then I popped into town to go to Jessops and get my montage printed. Only, guess what? The images from picasa which I'd saved on my memory stick, were longer than A4 size (and apparently would not fit a photo frame unless it was a specially made one) so they couldn't do it! Anyway, the chap very kindly fiddled around until we got a satisfactory layout (though not really what I wanted). He said it would take an hour.

I went off to get a couple of frames and popped into our local family store for a coffee.

Headed back to Jessops and picked up the pictures. Brought them away without looking at them (trusting the chap)....only to discover that the baby photograph I was so pleased with is now crooked in the picture :( However I've no time to go back and get it sorted out today, so it will have to do. I will perhaps email my dad with the picasa images and see if he wants to do something after tomorrow's party is over! How very annoying!!!

I'm hoping to have a fairly relaxing afternoon, although I do have some sorting out to do~summer clothes away and winter clothes made orderly, that sort of thing!

Then its Strictly tonight :)

In other news, Billy actually didn't want to go out this morning, that's a first for a long time, I think he's realised how lucky he is with a nice warm house....he's currently asleep on the bed! He did go out when I was going out, but I think mainly because he is frightened when I put my coat on for some reason!

It will probably be a very late blip tomorrow as I'm in London all day, please forgive me if I don't get to check your journals. I will catch up on Monday!

Have a great weekend blippers :)

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