Let There Be Light

By solli

Tied Together

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, I am very touched and heart warmed by your kindness.

The storm was horrific for the coastal residents of NJ and New York. Our boardwalks are washed away, homes caught fire, they were washed off their foundations, unimaginable devastation which I am hearing about only sporadically since we have no electricity and the 3G Internet connection was unavailable until this morning.

We were spared the heavy rain thank God, the winds took down a young shallow rooted tree in front of my son's home and it landed on the street without damaging a home or a car. My old growth trees in front of my house held; again a blessing!

The Johny Appleseed tree in my backyard was blown over to lean against the pool, but
it was not uprooted. We will be pulling it upright as soon as we are able to manage the job.

Half our town has power so the restaurant, hardware, liquor and drugstores are open for business. Residents are walking around to survey the damages which are extensive with many trees down. I can't relax at all during storms so my teen and I went out to clear our property of the hundreds of leaves that fell.

In preparation of this event, I tied my ancient fence together with sisal. It's reminded me in these times of crisis how tied together we are and how grateful I am for our connectedness.


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