Cursing Stone

Today's the day .............................. to go to Carlisle

Carlisle is a very interesting place and I spent most of the day in one of my favourite places there - Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. This big slab of granite is to be found at the end of an 80 metre underground pathway known as the Millennium Gallery which goes between Carlisle Castle and Tullie House.

The 300 words of text inscribed on the stone comes from what is said to be one of the world's longest curses. The curse was invoked by the Archbishop of Glasgow, Gavin Dunbar, in 1525 against cross border families, known as the 'Reivers', who lived by stealing cattle, rape and pillage. Priests in all of the parishes of the border lands were required to read out the curse which effectively excommunicated the Reivers from the Church.

Designed by artist Gordon Young and made by Andy Altman, the Cursing Stone was installed in 2001. Since then, it has become the focus for many things going wrong or for events of biblical magnitude in the local area. Carlisle residents have blamed it for the outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease, the Carlisle floods, fires, unemployment - and even the relegation of the local soccer team .................

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