Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Damsel fly eyes

I had another go at the slime mold that I featured yesterday, but it just wasn't happening. I think this subject is just beyond me with this set-up, a tripod would help. But really, for this kind of stuff you have to take macro to the next level: quality tripod, extension tubes, multi lighting, remote shutter and process multiple layers.

I read one guy's description of a similar shot, he layered sixty images together to make one photograph. It was impressive. At the moment I shall just have to be satisfied with larger subjects, like the back of a damsel flies head.

Continuing with the mini series on eyes, in large, you will be able to see the facets of the compound eyes and in the centre, two of the three simple eyes or ocelli. There is a third ocelli, you can just see the bump in the centre/top, between the two hairs. The compound eyes are for vision for hunting etc. The simple eyes sense light and dark and are used for celestial navigation, using the sun. They act a bit like a ships compass, they give direction but not position.

Not much to say about a damsels head, except how alien it looks. Not so cute up close!


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