A great day!

Today for the first time since January 2nd, I photographed an event in Portland, and what an event it was! Our new City Commissioner, Jo Ann Hardesty, proposed that Portland withdraw from the Joint Terrorism Task Force, a federal witch-hunt for supposed “terrorists,” which under the current federal administration means Muslims, Central and South Americans, members of Black Lives Matter, and lefty protesters like me. She held a rally outside City Hall and invited all who attended the rally to come to the Council meeting. Thirty-six people testified. Two white males wanted Portland to stay in the JTTF, and everyone else wanted us to leave it. The Mayor and the other white male on the Council voted to remain in; Jo Ann and the two women on the Council voted to leave. So we’re leaving! 

The photo is of Andrew Tolman, an interpreter for the deaf, and one of the most expressive people I’ve ever seen (which, from someone who taught acting, is saying quite a lot). If you were following my journal during Occupy ICE, he may look familiar, as he volunteered to do much of the interpreting during the encampment. I have to include a few more photos from the rally today, including Jo Ann, of course, and also Alyssa Pagan leaning on the shoulder of Teressa Raiford. 

The gathering was a great show of solidarity—people from all the activist groups I’ve ever worked with were there, and it was sheer joy to feel well, to be able to walk without pain, and to do again the thing I love best to do. There is a massive album of photos from today in the other place, if you are interested and can access it. 

I’ll be celebrating Valentine’s with Sue tomorrow by going with her to the monthly meditative walk around the ICE Building…and then having a quiet little celebration of our own. It’s 2 a.m. where I am, so I will post this and run, leaving comments off but knowing that you are happy for me to be back at it.

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