Silly Saturday: Silly Me!

What a Silly Billy I am. I've had my Olympus camera for just over two-and-a-half years, but I've done very little videoing with it, and what I have done has just been on its default auto settings. I've been really silly and never read about all the useful tweaks which are available to (hopefully!) improve the quality of the result.

Why is it so silly? Well, tomorrow afternoon I'm going to be one of the assistants helping a camera club member with an outdoor photoshoot. (I've done this twice before - see here and here.) She always likes "behind the scenes" photos and videos to be taken to put on Youtube (eg here) but unfortunately the chap who normally does the videoing is unavailable (although he will do the editing, phew!). I've been roped in at short notice to be the videographer and I want to do a good job.

So I've been delving into my book about the camera (fortunately I didn't have to read all 600 pages today - it's a very tweakable camera!) and going out into the garden to try out all sorts of different settings to see which will work best. Hence today's blip.

(Of course I could always just use my Android phone camera...!!)

Many thanks as always to admirer for hosting this fun Silly Saturday challenge.

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