Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Probably a mistake......

......tuning in to immediately after getting home from Make, Do and Mend but it seems I'm a glutton for punishment ;-)

Debating points covered (at MDaM!) today included the travails of the NHS, Education, Health and Safety, local transport, technology/broadband issues, food shortages (the veggie shop round the corner didn't have any pineapples!) and the weather (y'know, just for a bit of light relief!). I can confirm that we all parted friends and with not a single mention of 'surrender', 'capitulation' or the 'B' word, despite being of a range of political persuasions.....tell you what, the lower house could learn a lot from us, the only proviso being they bring a sewing/knitting project along with them, absolute beginners in diplomacy and compromise welcome ;-)

NB.....this image is legal and does not contravene copyright.....see my entry for 29th September 2019 where I confirmed this with the Parliamentary Recording Unit.

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