An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Decs are down...but not up (in the loft)

Backblipped 09.01.13

David has worked all day taking the decs down. Oh my, the place looks so bare! I seriously need to look at buying some dust collectors knik knaks to have around the place to make it feel more lived in!

All the decs have been put in the games room and it's my job to pack them up ready for going in the loft. Haud me back!

David has gathered all the decs by room and insists helpfully suggests that is how I pack them for ease of re-distribution and decorating next Christmas. That's all well in theory but doesn't make packing sense as it is far more efficent from a packing perspective to pack like with like....all the soft toys together, all the candles together, ornaments together, card holders together......etc etc.

As I type this on 9th Jan, we are still arguing about discussing this and the decs are still languishing in the games room.

Anal? Us? How very dare you!

PS And whose to say I will want the same decs in the same rooms next Christmas anyway??! Hmph!

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