My Mind's Eye

By meyeeye

tiny signs

This morning we woke to a delightful bright blue sky and a splendid visit from Jack Frost. "L" was so excited to see all of the watering containers and Kitty Cat water bowls frozen solid and kept saying "This is the best day of my life". We proceeded to the garden in hopes of a frozen water sculpture at the fountain, but were just a little too late to see many icicles. I decided to get on my hands and knees and begin searching for the perfect little ice crystals to shoot....which led me to these little sweeties:) Hiding very low to the ground and just a few inches above the frosty earth, were these little daffodil shoots,primed for Spring. How exciting to know that these tiny little sprouts will soon be beautiful blooms for all to enjoy.

I would have to say that crawling around the frozen earth in search of the perfect shot was my "favorite part of the day":)

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