Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

More Snowbirds

Another snowy bird today, one of the abundant Dark-eyed juncos, a sparrow species that winters in our area. Keeping it short because I need to get this posted quickly.

As I feared, our power flicked off a little after midnight last night, but not before more big branches came down and another tree split. Since we have a private well, when we lose power we also lose the ability to pump water. We keep a dozen or so gallon jugs of water in the basement to allow us to sparingly flush toilets, brush teeth, etc. and before we went to bed, I had SIL fill her bathtub with water. Nothing to be done about the cold temperatures, unfortunately and my biggest hope now is that our pipes don’t freeze tonight. We are hoping to get electric back sometime overnight, but not sure if that will happen as ice-covered trees are hampering the utility company.

The food news is that, in spite of having huge branches and even trees down on our property, neither the house nor the RV have been damaged. Fingers crossed.

So that’s the news from the Lane.

Frigidly yours,

And thank you ever so much for all the love on yesterday’s snowbird!

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