Mice Naps

By kimsim


I took some nice photos at the beach today. All snowy with the frosty hue of blues, lilacs and greys as the sun went down. The tide was in and huge waves were crashing against the break water. Seagulls soared over head. It was really beautiful.

However I have chosen to post this. For one reason, although the subject matter is not so pretty, I do like the colours.

And the main reason is this best serves as a pictorial souvenir of my day, which was good but really quite surreal.

Being somewhere you never thought you'd be again. Standing in places you had been many moons ago, in what seems like a different lifetime altogether, remembering conversations, events, actions and words that all seemed so important and significant at the time. I guess they were.

On top of that there was a whole other surreal side to the day. Another unexpected lesson in the sad side of humanity.

Sometimes my work days really do surprise me.

Hope y'all are cosy and happy tonight.


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