Miniature Winter Tree

I got out early for a run on the moor this morning and actually witnessed the sun rise, but it only appeared in the sky for a few minutes before disappearing into a heavy bank of cloud from which it never reappeared. The forecast was for snow later in the day and they were absolutely right. It's a veritable blizzard outside at the moment. I'm actually popping across the Irish Sea tomorrow for a weekend away so I'm just a little anxious about my flight tomorrow morning. My trips to Ireland have a history of being surrounded by an element of uncertainty and misadventure. Please wish me luck!

The only news of note is that my eldest son Forrest has begun his career as a sports writer. He's thoroughly enjoyed a week of work experience at the Yorkshire Post and has had his first feature, with full credit, published in this evening's edition. He should have more pieces appearing over the weekend. They gave him quite a bit of responsibility and his writing has appeared in print with very little editing. He seems to have made a good impression and the offer has been made for him to come back in the future. That's got to be good. Experience is everything in this game. I'm dead proud of him. He's really enjoyed the buzz of being involved with a daily newspaper and working with a like-minded bunch of sports nuts. It would certainly be a great environment to start a career in and I'm sure he'd thrive if he got a chance in the future to take up such a position. I think I would have loved it too as a young man, but not so much now. I like time to compose my words these days. I hate being rushed - which is, unfortunately, what I am tonight.

The snow is currently lying deep on the moor and getting deeper by the minute as I see it falling outside. But it's set to turn mild over the weekend so it could be gone by the time I get back on Monday. This simple shot appealed to me more than any other I took this morning. Heather is synonymous with the moorland here but it's normally impossible to photograph. This was a unique opportunity.

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