
By AnnieBScotland

duty done!

My 85 year old friend Cathie is a fervent fan of all things American. Although she hails from these parts she spent 22 years working in the US. She has been quite frail this past year having broken her hip last January, but her zest for life is unabated. She got a laptop a couple of years ago and skypes regularly, and has just got a facebook page!!!

Thursday is my yogalates afternoon and aquafit with Iain, but I knew Cathie would be desperate to see 'Lincoln' so I offered to take her (she doesn't know I gave something up to go) and this was the only time to do it, as it is a half hour journey each way and the movie is over two and a half hours long, plus half an hour of ads and trailer.

She was so grateful to get the chance to see it, and after she said it was one of the best movies she has ever seen. I enjoyed it too - it was exactly 147 years ago today, 31st Jan 1865, that the thirteenth amendment aboloshing slavery was passed. I was holding my breath at the scene where the votes were counted - daft, when you know the outcome, but a sign of a good movie I guess!!

I'm so glad I did the right thing. the bag of maltesers she brought along for me had to be eaten, it would have been rude not to. but it is weigh in tomorrow!!

I'll have to work extra hard at aquafit tonight!

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