
By AnnieBScotland

Quaver, f2 & Scottie5

Busy morning doing housework and cleaning up after cats. Say no more.

Scales this morning showed I have 2 kilos or 4.4 pounds to my target, but it gets harder. I have had NO wine this week, and apart from the maltesers and a bit of birthday cake have been very good, and only lost a pound, which is the one I put on last week. so... carry on and see what happens. Sigh.

Worked on a newsletter this afternoon, then left early to go and minister to the sick - daughter #2 is off work sick and in need of company and sympathy.

To the airport to collect John, and detoured on the way to take up f2's invitation to the preview of his exhibition at the Glasgow Art Club. Just taking a quick snap of one of the building's stained glass windows - in the dark with the compact - when I heard 'are you a blipper' - and came face to face with quaver and her sister scottie5. Quaver and I sub each other and so we naturally fell into a welcome hug! And now I will sub Scottie5 too, having met!!!

So - in the pic LtoR are Quaver, f2 and Scottie5

Too busy chatting to get much time to look at the pics, but plan to go back anyway. From what I did see from a distance the photos are amazing, all mono, and limited edition prints are for sale. Well done Colin, I hope it does really well for you.

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