Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Tailed Jay

Papilio Graphium Agamemnon.

This is my favorite of the butterflies that I see. I remember the first time I saw one in the early days at the grove. Stunningly beautiful, rain forest exotic and maddeningly elusive. It is one of those butterflies that I see plenty of daily, but only rarely get the chance to capture an image.

I chased this on up and down the safari trail, as it searched out a perch that it was happy with. I collected some forty images from all angles, I trimmed this down to nine keepers, including full on wings open. However, I really liked this image the best rather than the documentary top view, demonstrating the expansive wings, the large, curly antennae and the glorious coloration.

Not much else to say about this one except that it is a privilege to stand so close to such an amazing butterfly in the wild.


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