Northern Exposure

By Northern

To all the early birds

First, you need the soundtrack.

OK? Pull the blinds and pretend it's dark outside, it's almost midnight and you're the only one awake. Now listen to my plea....

Some of you are morning people. Others like myself gravitate to the other end of the day.

This does not make me a party animal. Or lazy. Or a social deviant. It just means I function better later in the day than you.

It also does not mean that you are morally superior to me. Or more productive. Or more virtuous. It just means your body clock is different.

The waking hours in our days are probably the same. Just the end and the beginning are out of sync. More than likely your hours of sleep, just like mine, are seasonal and we sleep more in the long nights of winter than in the short not quite dark nights of summer.

So, next time you are doing whatever it is that you do before 7am in the morning. Please don't snear at the people still in slumber. Remember, you may have been snoring your head off at 10.30pm last night but some of us were being productive and creative and having interesting conversations into the wee small hours.

And the odd one or two were trying to take photographs of far away city lights with camera equipment totally unsuited to the task.

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