Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Now there's a surprise!

I girded my loins, gritted my teeth, bit the bullet, took the bull by the horns and went to do some work in the garden today. I expected it to be cold but in fact it was very pleasant. I pulled out the remains of the beans and peas, emptied all the tomato pots and the grow bags pruned a couple of roses and generally took stock. It needs a fair bit of work and I've been holding back because of my sore knee but I'm just going to have to get on with it I think. One good thing is that after the clearing, I can now get in to pick some of the raspberries which are continuing to produce prolific amounts of fruit, see extra if I remember to put it up!
I also checked over the bulb pots I planted up last week and planted up a couple more.
After lunch I went down to Stockbridge, I was going to pick up Eilidh and take her home but was early so had to go shopping!! Tough I know.
There is a very fancy and slightly controversial new shopping area in Stockbridge. It's been built on the back of the rugby ground but many felt it wasn't necessary. The first shop, an up market home accessories shop opened a month or so ago.
The big USP for the development was that there was to be a Marks and Spencer Simply Food shop. M&S pulled out a few months ago though as part of their cutbacks and instead a Coop is opening. Not sure why as there is already a Scotmid a couple of hundred yards along the road in the old Woolworths presumably it will close.
When I went today though I saw that the large glazed area which I had assumed was a booking area and reception has in fact opened as a"little Dobbies". It has a takeaway drinks counter and seating outside so maybe I'll finally use some of the free coffee vouchers I get as part of my Dobbies membership! I'm not sure if it's a pop up seasonal shop or permanent, but it does at least fill a gap in the market for plants etc. I was very proud that I managed to resist buying anything today though.

I picked up Eilidh as arranged, dropped her off and then headed home. Bridge this evening so I made a pizza, I don't make them very often as I use a yeast based dough for the base, but they are very good if I do say so myself. We use the recipe on a pizza plate which we were given as a wedding present 45 years ago! So I'm well practised at it.

Keep well and safe everybody, with a vaccine on the horizon we really are getting there at last.

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