Tiny shells

I decided that it was about time that my sea-creature paperweight made another appearance in my blip journal.

It first made its appearance on 4/8/15 when I blipped a photo of a fish embedded in it. Then on 20/8/15 I blipped the whole thing, followed on 1/11/16 by a shot of some of the shells within it. It's not been seen on blip since then so today I took a shot of some others of its shells. Even the biggest is only about 1cm across.

The paperweight was a present very many years ago from my best friend from schooldays, with whom I'm still in regular touch even though he's lived in the US for 40+ years. In fact he's the middle one in this photo.

It's a strange coincidence that I've discovered that the presentation at our Zoom camera club meeting this evening will be on underwater photography...this photo could be mistaken for such a shot!

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