Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The first day of Lindt!

These are a tradition in our family since the girls were at home, at least 12 or 13 years now. Now there are only Colin and I to share one but who's complaining - we are very strict about turn about!
No reason to rush this morning so we took our time, I can't believe it's December already. However having seen a certain ad on the TV tonight I can see it clearly is... See extra!
Isobel came to join us for lunch so Kathryn could have a meeting. We had salami sandwiches which are her favourite, then as she had some of her roll left over....nobody said she had to eat her salami in her sandwich... she had a blackcurrant jam sandwich for pudding. Eilidh thought it hilarious when she heard.
Other than that we did very little, Bridge was cancelled so we are settling down to a TV catchup evening.

The second extra shows Ali (in the front car) in an Irn Bru ad from 1994! Her earliest claim to fame.

Keep safe and well everybody.

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