
There's always a dog greeting when you come back to the house - Maddie favours the door window (though think she is looking for the cat not me) and Jess the cat flap. 

Another excellent set of entries for the MonoMonday challenge.  Some beautiful photographs of bridges and some great ideas for links to elements of the original blip.  I really appreciated how many blippers thought outside the box to overcome the limitations of living in lockdown.  It was very hard to choose (again) but here are the results:

MonoMonday hearts go to:

SeriousFrolic -  for a lovely mix of shadows, shapes and some reflection, plus a great story about going that extra mile to getting the blip

carole_dunham - for her play on the bridge being a highway, and using these fascinating nuclear attack pamphlets as examples of an older form of the information highway

chantler63 - I like the angle the photograph of the bridge is taken from, it makes for an effective and dramatic image.

Mambo -  for her imaginative use of a perfume bottle in front of a picture to refer to the glass and metal of the bridge and the scene beyond.

LSquare -  I think the way part of bridge and cloud are reflected in puddle with shadows and lines is clever and makes for a striking image.

Honourable Mentions go to: 

60plus  - for a clever reference to a bridge - a tea break being a bridge between one part of the day and another

Miranda1008 -  I like the way the narrow lane with brick walls either side mirrors the 'funnelling'  footpath of the bridge, with the story of the man running round the corner adding another element to the image

RedRach - - for her intriguing image of the dinosaur toy, its ribs are like the support structures of the bridge

Newcastle Downunder - for the using reflections in 3 ways - in the glass of building plus her reflections on both blipper RtCph, who sadly passed away a year ago, and on her own journal from the last year.

Richy -  what stood out for me was the way the shape of the glasses frame mirrored the shape made by the metal structure of the bridge, an intriguing image. (and it’s just dawned on me that the middle part of the glasses sits on the bridge of the nose)

cate1 - a good example of what you can do if you are not able to get out much - using objects with with similar components and qualities of the bridge in the original blip

For next Monday's challenge the blip to respond to is here - remember your blip can be inspired or refer to any element of the image.  Have fun and please tag MM365!

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