The second half of life..

By twigs

Ladybuggy day

Lovely Sunday - time spent in the garden, with Minnie, photographing, sorting and being.  I'm surprised at how quickly the days go.  When I think in the morning that I'll do something in the afternoon and then realise just 'a couple' of hours later that it's almost 6 o'clock, I just know there's a time thief around ;)  Today's thieves were a couple of ladybugs I found together but apart on the underside of the same leaf as I trimmed back the grapevine.  Two distinctly different ladybugs, but both begged to have their photos taken.  

I decided to throw my full macro potential at them to see what happened......100mm macro, extension tubes (total: 68mm) and Raynox-250.  Hindsight tells me that, whilst it was fun, I think I would maybe have got more consistent quality with one or the other.  I'll try again sometime and see what happens.  I was pretty pleased though to have caught the yellow one (extras) just as she was about to take off.  For this one, I don't mind in the least that it's not sharp.......I'm just pleased to have captured her.

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