Today's challenge:~~~ Chair: We see handfuls of them everyday, so why not take a photo?

I have had this chair for about 10 years and it currently resides in Neil's bedroom. Its not normally seen like this as it usually has Neil's clothes dumped on it. It's been a favourite chair of cats past and present - for scratching and claw sharpening - the damage can be seen on the front of the chair and the arms.

Went to Asda this morning - the weather was cold, dull and foggy - such a change from the lovely day we had yesterday.

This afternoon I had a guy come round to measure up and give me a quote for the patio doors I want fitted in the dining room. The quote was less than the one I got a couple of weeks ago so ..... I have signed on the dotted line. Got a surveyor coming on Friday and hopefully the doors should be fitted in early April. This will be the first step in getting the kitties into an ( at the moment) imaginary outdoor cat enclosure. This is still in the mulling over stage.

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