Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Sailors Delight

Red sky at night, sailors delight.
Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.

We had a lovely red sky this evening, but I was only able to witness the best part of it from behind the wheel as I crawled through rush hour traffic. By time I made it to the lacrosse club where my younger daughter had training, the sun had dropped behind the horizon and there was barely a faint glow left.

I was reminded of the old sailor's rhyme I grew up with. My parents had a Catalina 25 on the Hudson River in New York and taught me young to watch the sky for signs of changing weather. I'm not sure how true it is, but we always believed that a red sky at night was a promise of beautiful sailing conditions the next day.

I do hope it'll be beautiful for my little girl's sake. She celebrates her 16th birthday tomorrow. I just finished wrapping her gifts and decorating her place at the table. Family breakfast will be 6am - so I'll say good night now :)

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