Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

On the Ides of March

It's been a very emotional day. I'm a bit choked up as I write this. Sixteen years ago today I welcomed the second of my four children into the world. And I've been more than blessed by these amazing young people.

Nadia has grown into a beautiful young woman of whom I'm incredibly proud. My children enrich my life beyond measure.

Dearest Nadia, on this, your sweet sixteen, I share with you a little wisdom for the road:

God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain. But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

I know the last year and a half here in Germany have been an immense challenge and I know you still struggle every day with adjusting. But I'm happy to see the house full of wonderful friends who've brought you thoughtful gifts and who celebrate with you today, to reaffirm what an incredible and lovable person you are.

I love you. I'm enormously proud of you. Happy birthday my sweet girl.

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