Birthday Girl at Breakfast

Today my beautiful second baby and younger daughter turned 17!

She had three girlfriends over last night and so we all enjoyed breakfast together this morning, with the honoree given the traditional red "You are Special" plate.

But our morning started many hours earlier - at 4:00am when my alarm woke us, so my husband could leave at 4:30 to drive child number 3 to the airport. Our son flew before sunrise with a classmate and 2 teachers to Poland, where he'll participate for the next week in an international Comenius Project. The house is so quiet without him!

This afternoon the birthday girl was in a theater production at her school. We went and watched it - a very funny play. Then a FaceTime call with the grandparents in New York, followed by chocolate cake, then dinner - in that order.

Now we're downloading Catching Fire - the five of us still home enjoying a family movie night by our own blazing fire :)

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