Mystery .... Solved

I've shared a few pictures of my Kohlerias this summer, a mixed collection bought on eBay in the winter when they were dormant.   All but one have made compact plants that started flowering when no more than six inches high. some getting a bit taller as all the buds opened.   This one is the odd one out, a mystery really as to why this one just grew taller and taller, now finally flowering at around eighteen inches tall!    Just these few flowers, right at the top.   It's a pretty but rather eccentric thing.

Edit:  I posted this pic on Gesneri Nerds FB page and a kind person told me it's name.   It's Seemannia gymnostoma.   Note to self - Check the label in the pot!    With thanks also to blipper Maurice with whom I exchanged a few plants, receiving this one :-)

A late start, still tired.  Admin and planning with Jamie for the flat.  So much to do.  Not just the practical stuff but the paperwork, the applying for Universal Credit housing element, investigating if he'll need to pay Council Tax himself - Katie on the old system gets hers paid for her, looks like Jamie on UC will not.   Everything seems so complicated :-/   After lunch we looked in a few shops in Tywyn, well looked from the outside where furniture and cookers was concerned as both outlets have very limited opening times.   The charity shop we looked in is small and had little of interest.

An hour or so in the garden, work, tea, dog walk, bed.   Jamie cooked tea, fish with onion and garlic mash, wedges and air fried carrot.   Yummy.

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