Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sisterly love

Here's the link to yesterday's art quiz, i quite forgot it was Friday. 7 for me, good luck.

It's tough when you want to play with your Polly Pockets and your little sister wants a piggy back!

Had a nice day today, headed out to West Linton to meet up with blipper Nadine Pierce at the monthly market. I also met up with Pat a colleague and friend from my working days who is a regular customer of Nadine's. My other purpose for going to the market was to pick up a supply of sticky toffee puddings to put in the freezer, yum. They've introduced a new variety with ginger in it too, an added delight. Being a nice mum I bought one for my daughters too.

Back home the girls came for the afternoon and evening. Both parents are working today and tomorrow so child care is needed. Not that it's a hardship. We tried to stay out of doors as much as possible but the weather did not live up to its promise today. We're hoping for better tomorrow when the temperature should be higher.

I brought the girls back to their own house in their bedtime onesies and they went straight off to bed.
I'm here till Jon gets home then it'll be straight to bed when I get home ready for another fun day tomorrow.
Keep safe everybody

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