Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Chewing the fat!

After a reasonable night's sleep, we were ready to welcome the girls at around 1pm. They had already done the junior park run at Inverleith and been to Sunday school!
We had packed a small picnic ready to head up to the zoo. One of the advantages of all being members means we can pop in and out as often as we like. There are so many play areas there now though that it can be hard to get them to focus on the animals.
Anyway, we headed off, Isobel making a beeline for the penguins, they love watching them 'fly' past. We were sad to see that the lemurs walk through is still closed due to Covid restrictions, I love lemurs, such beautiful eyes. From there we strode off uphill to the lions and tigers who were taking their afternoon siesta - although the tiger did honour us with a supercilious sneer. I wanted to see the new giraffes so we headed on up to the top of the hill to their enclosure, via the zebras of course. The giraffes all look quite young and seemed very happy tucking into their high level snacks. We stopped and had our picnic nearby. Although the zoo was busy we managed to find a quiet table at the top of the hill and amazingly all the food did a disappearing trick in no time.
We headed back down via the pandas, Tian Tian was not to be seen but the male, Yuang Guang was posing beautifully while tucking into his bamboo. Such fun to watch, he was so laid back. We got back home about 5.30, the grown ups fairly exhausted and the girls ready to start running around in the garden, phew!
After dinner I brought them back home and they went straight to bed. They've had a busy day and it's school tomorrow. Their mum will be home tomorrow night having had a weekend on call through in Kirkcaldy, they do cope remarkably well but I don't see how medics manage if they haven't got family nearby.

Keep safe everyone, this extraordinary virus just keeps going.

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