The Singing Ringing Tree

Busy day today. I spent an enjoyable morning at JeanneB53's looking at her New Zealand blips and making copious notes which will inform our visit in the hopefully not too distant future. Thank you Jeanne and Chris!

After lunch we drove out to Burnley as I wanted to blip one of the Lancashire Panopticons, the Singing Ringing Tree, which I first saw on blip. The weather is due to change to unsettled next week so I wanted to capture it before the end of the Easter break. It's an amazing structure and the interpretive board says, it is one of a series of "21st century landmarks across East Lancashire as symbols of the renaissance of the area."

It was designed by architects Tonkin Liu and is a musical sculpture made of galvanised steel which funnels the winds and produces song. Some of the tubes are just structural but others are musical with holes cut into them to produce sounds in tune with each other. I plan on visiting more of them.

If you want to see more angles of the Singing Ringing Tree (I loved that East German film of the Brothers Grimm tale when I was a child, but it was very dark), see here! If you want to see where I had to stand to include the valley in my blip, see here!

There was a slight haze over the valley but we could still see Ingleborough, Pen y Gent, Whernside and Fountains Fell in the distance.

Take a look in LARGE!

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