Down in the Forest (No Dog Stirred)

Monday and disaster. The Boss loaded me into Suzz and went to the Gas station to fill up for the B team and then shot back home and dropped me off to subsequently drive out of the garage and disappear. It appears that the walk today was to The Blue Pools on the Haast Highway about an hour from home and DOC (Dogs Often Castigated) who had built and operate the track and all NZ National Parks BTW, had a No Dogs Allowed ruling on this track so I couldn't go. If I had been in the USA it would have been lead on and off we go but NZ dog owners have a bad reputation about dogs on leads and basically DOC don't trust them to do this and because the rules are set by DOC and not the people, I stayed home and drove The Bossess Bananas. (she had one for lunch).

The Boss comments that this is a superb track that allows easy walking access to The Young River Valley and beyond which in the past required crossing a river and getting trapped if it rained and the river rose, which they do very quickly in this area.
It's NZ bush at it's best and the bird song today was amazing. The Boss has posted a couple of other shots which feature acyclinggranny and My Friend Peter on a swing bridge for your entertainment.

See no dog!

Other pics of the walk.

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