The Beacon at Beacon Point

Thanks for all the comments yesterday. It was interesting to learn of your Blip addiction and I am sure The Boss feels better but is still taking the pills.

Bits of Autumn are popping up in places now and as we started the big walk today this was the first thing The Boss set eyes and camera on with lots of other stuff going into the later alligator bin. There are still a lot of visitors in town and many of them smiled at me as we went past, especially the folk sitting at one of the new bars, right next to it's NO DOGS sign with a gorgeous boxer puppy asleep on the deck. Yeh!!!!!
There are not many businesses that do "no dogs" and the ones that do can expect to suffer the consequences of local support and are hugely outnumbered anyway. This is a very doggy community. Had a wonderful meet and greet with Grant who looked like a vet in his white boiler suit and the lovely Lynn who I always like to meet and has lovely soft hands.

In other news The Boss had a rash of calls from folk who had their email address stolen a few months ago when a major mail management outfit (begins with Y) had 60,000 email addresses stolen. ( Entirely their fault) and are now receiving emails with their names on back with adds for weight loss spam. Hmmm. There will be some folks changing their email addresses tomorrow I guess. The Boss would be changing the provider as well he said.

Oh and for all those who remarked on yesterdays No Dog Day I did the town loop today which certainly was designed to wear me out but would never have succeeded. You can't wear a Terrier out....Right! AND I am NOT asleep on the big rug in The Boss's studio...I still have one eye open...just in case.

Bigger Beacon

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