as I learned today. The weather forecast foresaw rain in the afternoon, but I would cycle anyway in the morning to the pond. Sixteen swans were there. They all happily eat their bread and the coots and ducks the oats.
Then I went to look for the old and faint heron that I hoped to find at the same spot. There she/he was but not as old and certainly not that faint as I thought she/he was yesterday. Haughtily she discarded what I did bring for her.
Not far from there I saw a young swan, in the grass along the busy road where the cars drive swiftly. He limped in the direction of the road and I decided to look what was the matter with him. I saw a bit blood on the ground and I managed to get him further away from the road. I had some bread left and that he ate with gusto.
Of course I phoned the animal rescue and told them where and how I had found the swan. They promised to come and I stayed there till then.
The second time already the man said that came collect the swan. The young swans are disoriented since they are chased away and try to find their own territory. This one was hurt at one feet, probably hit by a car or cyclist and left without concern by the one who had did this.
So it was meant to be that I came and saved the swan!!
I followed my way and found the sheep and lambs all at the far away side of their meadow.
From where I stood I heard the horses and the cart approach on the road. And that had to be my blip!
Inside the orchid nursery, in a astonishing big hall it was allowed to make some photos but only till some point. And I had not the macro lens. I bought two species.

My haiku:

In spring not all is
Well look at that young injured
Vagabond in pain

And the proverb:

A wound heals but the scar remains.

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