More cobwebs

I was out on duty this morning when I noticed that the grass was again covered in the finest of cobwebs and the dew beading on them was really pretty.

I had to go back out with my camera, actually to take a photo of something else, so after I'd photographed our new re-cycling station (built by our Year 1 students our of photocopy paper boxes) I headed back out to the grass.

That is why, when all the students had gone back into class, I was lying in the wet grass (in my Deputy Principal clothes) taking photos. Probably also why our senior students were distracted and laughing at me through their classroom window. But they know the rules - apparently one was heard to say, "The things she'll do for a blip."

Too right!

As you can see from the state of the grass, not everything has regenerated yet from the drought. Still, those driplets in the bottom right corner show that some of the grass actually is greening up.

The actual drips are incredibly tiny - the largest of them is barely the size of a pin-head, so the fact that they are anything other than a blur is something of a miracle.

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