The second half of life..

By twigs

Triple droplets

Update - computer is recovering well. Still in hospital as the extent of his injuries appear to be much deeper and more far-reaching than originally thought . . . . . . . but at least he's alive and the prognosis good. He may even be home tomorrow although that will depend on whether he needs a transplant or not. The surgery so far has been delicate and time consuming but that's OK . . . . slow and sure is good in these matters.

This evening it was a very pleasant distraction to be able to walk with M. We did the airport circuit (in a less than impressive time!) but at least we managed to do it. It's been a long time since we walked and talked - I think we both cleared a few cobwebs.

There's a lot more I could write tonight but I'm struggling with working on the laptop. The photo editing is terrible here - I miss my big computer screen. This will suffice until a more normal service can be resumed.

I'm tired - bed calls.

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