Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

First butterfly

..of 2022.  Not the first seen but the first blipped, up on the butterfly reserve this morning.

Almost as soon as I climbed the stile I saw a handful of peacocks on this wild plum bush.  As you can see this one has a very tattered wing (only slightly disguised by the blossom).  I have a great affection for the tired specimens seen at this time of year.  They're the brave ones who manage to overwinter.  If they didn't, can you imagine summer without butterflies?

I was actually on Morn Hill for a very short time in the end.  I'd walked through the reserve to check on the LLT's nest (complete now) and bumped into Liz (another photographer).  Oh dear, women chatting - oops!  This meant that almost as soon as I'd got this shot I was turning round to go back into town for my Wednesday lunchtime appointment.  Still all was done and I checked out the cowslips which is what I went for in the first place.  Another week of this weather and they'll be turning the hillside yellow.

I am including this for WildWed but can you confirm I've got the tag right?  Many thanks to Cailleach for the lovely challenge.

Have a good evening and a successful Thursday  xx

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