Who's 'top dog'???

This is my 'pathetic' look. I don't really like going in the car much but I tolerate it because Ann takes me to lots of nice places for my walks. However when Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, comes to stay he always jumps in the car first................... And then takes up all the room.

Normally I'm 'top dog' in our relationship but when we go in the car Ozzy is most definitely 'top dog'.

Ann says, 'Ozzy move over a bit and make room for Molly'. But Ozzy doesn't do what he's told because he hasn't a clue what Ann is wittering on about. So I just stand looking pathetic and eventually Ann has to pick me up and plonk me next to Ozzy.

Ozzy is no trouble when he comes to stay with us but the thing that Ann finds most difficult is............................ he only knows two words - 'Ozzy' and 'walk'. He doesn't even know the word BLIP and his owner, 'Tales from St Ives' started blipping before I did. I know loads of words and phrases. Ann talks to me all the time and I understand pretty much everything she says to me. Ozzy lives with four humans but we've come to the conclusion that as they have each other to talk to they don't need to be 'sad people' and talk to a dog??!! LOL!

Also he's very naughty when it's time to get out of the car. When Ann first got me she trained me not to get out of the car until she gave me permission so now Ann can open the boot and faff around doing stuff and I won't get out until she tells me I can. Ozzy just jumps out as soon as Ann starts opening the boot. She's tried saying, 'Wait', before she opens the boot, but Ozzy doesn't know what 'wait' means.

I don't think it's very fair?! If I ever even attempted to do that, Ann would just pick me up and put me back in the car and I'd have to wait for ages before she let me out again. Ozzy gets away with it because he's too big for Ann to pick up.

Soooooooo, Ozzy might be 'top dog' in the car?! .....................But I'm definitely 'top dog' in all other aspects of our relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!


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