After the gale

What a night - apparently there were gusts of up to 130mph going on along the coast and I can believe it. The Ladies' Book Club was postponed as several ladies had to travel across the mountain and feared that would be foolish. Today the gales have subsided and it's just fierce windy. Himself was up early plus chainsaw, cutting the branches of the fallen tree away from the tree palm which it was resting upon. There is a huge gap but in fact a lot space and light has been opened up, as have opportunities for a bit of redesigning and replanting. The cats are now doing tigerish things under the cut branches.

My newly put out peas have survived the onslaught as have the birds and insects - the bees were out in the blustery sunshine and our first swallow has arrived - he's swooping low over the sheep. One swallow may not make a summer but I'm hopeful.

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