Pukaki Light

We, The Boss and me, left Wanaka in the morning to travel up to Christchurch. It was a DFO day (dull flat and orrible) so the photographic expectations were not high. The willows and similar trees drove The Boss mad as they were in full colour with no sun. DFO so to bark. We will have to return. Lake Pukaki is renowned for the colour of the water which is fed from the Tasman river and the Mt Cook ( Aoraki) valley and contains a lot of glacial material and with a little bit of light The Boss was forced to do a U turn and go walk about with the camera. I had a great view from my perch on The Boss's camera pak.

By the time we got to Burks Pass it was raining.

Hey many thanks for the response to yesterdays grapes. I will do my best to catch up on comments but we are a bit distracted this weekend. Big woofs to you all

Go for a swim. Maybe not.

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